“So we went in a very different direction and made the gameplay very cartoony at times. “We initially started out very photoreal and we found that you couldn’t separate what was on the monitor from the live action,” said Gillberg. Whereas the movie might be more ‘GTA'-inspired, the look of the gameplay hews closer to ‘Fortnite’ in its aesthetic and level of stylization than any other video game reference.” The gameplay “was the hardest,” said Levy. “And life there is a little bit confusing and depressing.” “There’s five different shades of gray and it’s very murky,” Tobman explained. So the real world was shot using frame obfuscation, anamorphic lenses, messier compositions, awkward reflections and perpetual rain. “We wanted to create really specific rules so that you knew from the first frame of one that you were no longer in the other,” said Tobman. On the other hand, the real world was depicted with a more restricted palette and different camera formats, lenses and operating styles. “So we did a ton of branding and developed two stories of entire blocks with signage that you’d never see in the real world.” “We were trying to augment one versus the other,” said Tobman.

Levy, Tobman and Gillberg recently spoke with The Times about the work it took to design three completely different worlds for “Free Guy.”Įvery scene that took place in Free City was shot with a large-format camera and spherical lenses with a color palette that was bright, poppy and almost animated to create a sense of heightened reality. “He wants to surround himself with people who pitch ideas and he’ll take ideas from a PA, intern or his designer, DP or studio head and give them equal gravitas.” “Shawn’s really curious and I think that’s what makes him a great storyteller,” said Tobman.

“This was very much a the-best-idea-wins culture.” “Literally I was getting ideas for jokes, Easter eggs, camera moves, story ideas, VFX ideas and stunt ideas from everybody,” Levy said. Levy agreed, and enlisted production designer Ethan Tobman and VFX supervisor Swen Gillberg to help fill in the gaps in his knowledge. Let’s make a new ‘Truman Show,’ a movie about personal awareness and empowerment and the very relatable notion that you can live in the background or you can step forward to be seen and effect change.’”

“I said, ‘Why are you calling me? I’m not a hardcore gamer.’ Ryan says ' take a video game premise but make a movie that is not just for gamers. “I didn’t tell Ryan that I had already read it,” Levy said.